6452 のレビュー
6452 のレビュー
50% のクーポンを入手
$17.95 vs. $35.90(小売価格)
- オンラインでのみ購入可能 -
- 数量限定のため、在庫がなくなり次第終了となります
- Limited Edition! Offer available to USA, UK, Norway, Israel, and Switzerland customers only.
Instantly hydrating Fraîcheur Arctic Mask gives you the feeling of second skin & contains nourishing serum to penetrate and deeply moisturise your skin.
Biocellulose has much finer fibers than those used in regular tissue masks. They can lock hydration into the skin while encouraging deep penetration of active ingredients.
✨ 肌を引き締め、ハリを与えます
✨ 血液循環を刺激します
✨ クライオセラピーは肌の水分補給、ふっくらさせ、肌の感触のバランスを整えます
✨ Active ingredients hydrate, plump & balance your skin texture
3 steps to arctic radiance:
What customers say
This mask was easy to apply (I had kept it in the fridge) and it stayed on for the 25 minutes I left it on my face (I lay down for a cat nap while it was on), it never slipped or moved. Once the 25 minutes was up I took it off and washed my face. Once my face was dry it felt amazingly clean and soft. Best mask I've ever worn. Definitely recommend it to others to try, you won't regret it.
® 2025 Fraicheur Hydrating Arctic Masks 無断複製禁止